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By fkborhan

Outreach Emails and Networking Linkedin.com

You can find emails of anyone who may be an influencer in your field.

Do some detective work by getting creative on Bing or Google search engines for contacts.

Try Kevin O’Leary contact or Robert Herjavec email if your quest is business.

To get on Shark Tank all you need is a great trademark and promo items to get a deal.

One episode had Jeff Foxworthy make a deal with two guys that had a trademark of Hillbilly with items.

So that is the path to least resistance of a Shark Tank deal.

Other ideas include Crowdfunding for products form kiskstarter.com or indigogo.com.

If you want to build an email list with Mailchimp it Is a great way to start to get sales or info.

Networking Linkedin.com

You can live on linkedin.com  If you have experience and to chat with others in your field or new area you can get contacts on linkedin.

What you strive for is 500 connections.  Linkedin is social media for careers.  It is painless to get new connections.

I found my web developer & SEO content connection on Linkedin.

I worked forever in Illinois.  My work list can be found on Linkedin as William Kilander.

Be it blue collar or white collar the way to make the big bucks is to own the company.

You can really succeed if you put the work in and stay with it for years.

Your company may develop slowly but if you stick with it you will learn your field and be prosperous.

You can have a trademark, domain, and entity for your company.  Also you might want a Facebook page.

Entities you would have to contact your lawyer.  If you don’t have a lawyer remember if you have any friends you went to high

School with that are lawyers.  Entities are Limited Liability Company or LLC, Corporation, or Chapter S.  Depending on the size or

Your company you may to incorporate.

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