Getting the Edge

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By fkborhan

The Desire for Fulfillment and Positive Relationships

As human beings, we want to feel most alive and have positive relationships. This is the goal and what is truly important.

Life’s Simple Pleasures

Life’s fun often comes down to traveling, family, and going to parties. This is what most people enjoy. Where do you want to live? You want to find a place that helps you and completes you. Maybe you want to move somewhere warm to beat those cold winters.

Choosing the Best Place to Live

The best places to live, in my opinion, are on or near water or in a college town. Getting the edge in life can depend on where you live. If you’re fortunate enough, you could explore other continents and cities.

Places That Make You Feel Alive

Back to feeling most alive—places like Florida are where elderly people retire. They care about staying alive and take care of their people. Other places, like New Orleans, also care about their communities. It’s your life; go and live where you want.

Gaining the Edge

You get the edge through work and figuring out what is needed to get the job done. What are the obstacles, and what is the plan to overcome those obstacles to get on top of the game? These are questions you need to ask yourself to gain the edge.

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