Silver Animal System

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By fkborhan

Silver Animal System Basics:
You don’t need drugs or alcohol to get the edge. You need to love your partner or
family and dream big. You should live life not only when you are young but older
as well. Follow your passions. If don’t want to go out, go out anyway. Check all
the bars in the local area. Drink some Moscato or other white wine. Preferably a
place where you can enjoy the fresh air and look out.
What is a system? A system is an approach with a proven track record that works.
How long does a system take to work? An authority system can takes months to
work. The Sliver Animal system is for anyone that wants to gain knowledge and
better their lives . You have time to follow your dreams and be successful in life.
Warren Buffet the Berkshire Hathaway Billionaire made the majority of his money
after age 50. Work and learn your butt off with crappy jobs when you are young.
You should have fun.(own company) Then go to college for your passion. I found
that Art college not Liberal arts is the way to go. I went to Columbia College
Chicago on Wabash near Grant park.
Always have a back-up plan. If your current plan doesn’t work out you must be
able to pivot into some other plan. Lots of entrepreneurs are all in and don’t have
a back-up. In that case you better be sure there is a big market and lots of
demand for your product. If you make a mistake make sure you don’t make the
same mistake again. Failure is the cornerstone of success.
My system is called the Silver Animal. A Silver Animal is a symbol for strength and
wealth. What and how are the basics? Commit to a better self and way of life.
Create a reality from your dreams. The base of this system is that of proactive. I
reached Silver Animal by way of Proactive Five. Proactive five, I’m alive and going
out. Like Billy Joel says “Only the good die young”. Proactive is doing work or
tasks without being asked or acting on the fly. You need to get the edge in daily
life. Example: Taking you grocery cart all the way back inside or to a designated
area. Do a little more than necessary. Be smart and enthusiastic you are alive.
You want to trick yourself into being excited. We only get a limited time on this
Earth so make goals and follow your dreams. Map out you plans and try to
accomplish 1-2 things a day to get closer to your dream. Make a massive attack
Here are some Reactive and Proactive examples:
There is nothing I can do. Let’s look at alternatives.
That’s just he way I am. I can choose a different approach.
She makes me so mad. I can control my feelings.
They won’t allow that. I can create an effective case.
I have to do that. I will choose a better response.
I can’t I choose
I Must I prefer
If Only I will
The system for me started near the new millennium.
Your dreams can come true with knowledge, determination, and a real plan of
action. First learn, then pursue and then develop a purposeful plan with real
action. Do at least three points a day. Turn your excitement into real movement.
Find out what your passion is and learn all about it. Now with the Internet you
can learn online for free with YouTube and Google. If that doesn’t work you can
take online courses if you know where to look.
If you work is your passion you will succeed. If you fail you must learn from it and
not make the same mistake again. Failure is the cornerstone of success.
You always want to push the envelope in a smart and knowledgeable way.
Working on Sunday:
If your fed up with your kid make sure they work on Sunday. Sunday work
includes cleaning, car, and laundry.
If your guy does both maybe he would cook as well.
Always have a back-up plan in case you are without help. If you are without help
maybe you should go to school in Dallas. They love well.
With this system you should never talk about heads, butts, telling someone
they’re dead, or say cuss words. If you are gay fine but don’t talk about it. If you
are hung up on this try watching Beavis & Butthead Do America movie.
Sweet Dreams are made from these:
You need to find an unstoppable feeling.
You need to get away from fake or false reality. Movies can be fun but let’s face it
you’re not Tom Cruise as an acrobatic lawyer. If you are trying to impress
someone make sure it is real and not something fiction. If you want to impress a
girl try to be yourself and have a plan.
You should be genuine. Look into non-fiction books and learn real things. If your
like movies write a screenplay. You can learn most anything online with YouTube
videos or a Google search. Brainstorm ideas for your life based on goals and
If you want to know what the secret to being an online entrepreneur it is
customer acquisition cost. How much do you pay for advertising to get one sale
or acquire a customer. If you profit more than you pay for marketing you are
making money. How much money you make is the margin for your product and
advertising budget.
How to Brainstorm on paper?
1.Get piece paper & pencil or pen
2.Write big topic you want to brainstorm about and draw a circle around it
Like (Food)
3.Make stems from (Food) like (Dinner) or (Cereal) or (Vegetables)
4.Then make stems from them till you exhaust all possibilities like (Dinner)-
(Grilled steak)-(Ribeyes) or (Cereal)-(Honeycomb) or (Vegetables)-(sweet corn on
5.When you make the stems you see the burst in your head
6.This will help with young students development or anyone with controlled
Good hygiene and how you dress affect how you feel about yourself.
Its all about the edge feeling. How to feel your best and inspired. That is what is
Not feeling inspired? Try writing your feelings out or start a journal of stuff you
liked that you did that day.
Learn something new or plan ahead for a venture to have something to look
forward too.
Like the Navajo
I will examine the four Navajo areas of knowledge and use them in the Silver
Animal system in practical ways for the new millennium.
The Navajo place high importance as they organized their knowledge and life
First area of knowledge “that which gives direction to life” emphasizes character
development in excellence of heart and mind. In this area it was believed that one
should get up at dawn and run. By running at dawn one disciplines and
strengthens his mind in order to be in control in all situations. The dawn provides
the blueprint for building a good life. Just as dawn brings light, this area of
knowledge brings clarity and perspective to the mind, permeating all aspects of
one’s life.
How does this translate today, by jogging and taking care of your body. You can
look in later chapters or visit for more information.
Second area of knowledge, associated with the blue twilight, is sustenance. This
area focuses on obtaining self-reliance, providing for the family and being a
contributing member of the community. An aspect of sustenance involves
learning how to work and becoming responsible. I will cover careers and pivoting
into your dream job as well as investing in a later chapter. The silver animal is a
Digital Marketer. A valuable skill not impossible to learn.
Third category of knowledge is associated with the yellow evening twilight. In this
area it holds in high regard emotional ties and relationships with the family,
extended family, community, nation as a whole and the natural environment.
This make me think how important family is, giving back to the community, being
a good American, voting, staying well versed in politics and keeping abreast with
what is going on in the USA. To do this you can watch CNN, CNBC, or the news
channel of your choice. Try and find a friend or sibling to talk to about the
country and politics in general. You can go for walks and discuss the President,
country problems, humorous politics, and foreign relations.
Fourth area of knowledge is associated with darkness. The focus in this area is on
reverence and respect for nature. The belief of taking what you need and leave
the rest. Gratitude is at the very heart of respect and reverence for nature. In
the nation and Earth today is that of Climate change. Trump didn’t believe in it
but Biden does and his administration ran with this on his platform.
Finding a Balance:
The essence of Navajo philosophy is holism and the goal it sets for life is peace
and harmony. One idea I hold is that of there is no competition there is hope. By
balancing the four areas of Navajo knowledge the individual will develop sound
beliefs and values and be prepared to make responsible decisions. He will
develop knowledge an skills so that he will be able to provided for his family,
demonstrate good leadership within the family and community, and retain a
sense of reverence for all things, both on the Earth and in the heavens.
As a whole if you can take some things away from the system and use them in
your life I will have been successful. Hopefully this as whole gives you food for
thought and improves your life. That is my goal with Silver Animal is to improve
the quality of your life, others close to you, and make you think.
The system is all about getting excited and feeling above normal. You may have
to trick yourself. Jogging tricks your body and mental into feeling sort of buzzed
but better than when you started.
You need to get and keep your mental edge. This can be done by your work. If
you focus and make solid decisions you will get the edge. You must be decisive
and be confident. Don’t be unclear or wishy washy. You want to be creative not
just the same. Creating something new like writing a song is very rewarding and
helps you with your self-esteem. You can do create art for yourself or for profit.
You become a more well-rounded person by being creative daily. Maybe you
want to play an instrument or paint or draw. Art is a healer. Kids need to be
creative to grow. Art helps an individual become whole again. You should have
some sort of creative art in your life.
Having fun with music in your car can trick yourself into feeling better than
normal. I am all about not drinking or smoking. Marijuana is now legal but you
should find a method other than drugs.
When it comes to finances you should not get bent out of shape. Donald Trump
in the 1990’s lost a billion dollars but got it back a few days later. Go big or go
home. You should use other peoples’ money when investing in real estate. You
make your money when you purchase the house. Remember $1,000,000 is a
thousand dollars with more zeros.
I fit breaks it breaks you shouldn’t let yourself suffer.
You never want to talk bad about yourself. Try to keep positive with what you say
to others. You don’t want to show weakness. If you feel bad, think about what
you say because it won’t help to articulate this. You will get over the crisis.
Failure is the cornerstone of success. If you make a mistake learn from it and
don’t the same mistake again. You only need one time to work for you to have a
From working as a caregiver in the Western Suburbs of Chicago I came across
some different people. Working a with an elderly mom and her elderly son with
down syndrome I took them to a summer church event in Wheaton. I still have
the t-shirt and learned about the bible. I also worked at Bally’s Health Club(no
longer there) in Lombard with an elderly down syndrome worker. The thing
about down syndrome is some function better than others, they can live a long
life, and the problem is from birth. In talking with them they don’t function that
Another job I had was that of a community support worker in Brookfield. There I
took care of a kid with cerebral palsy and severe mental retardation. The kid was
trapped in a body he couldn’t use because of the cerebral palsy. All he could do
to move is scratch with his hands and a haphazard manner.
If you want to signal bikers on the road give them the peace sign.
Digital Marketer
The best thing you can do in this day and age is become a skilled digital marketer.
It is paramount for the Silver Animal System. You can do this with paid ads, social
media, and email marketing or you can hunker down getting dirty with SEO.
If you learn these skills you will be able to profit and be in demand to even work
for others if you desire. If in these Covid times you still have a career and want to
supplement your income you can learn digital marketing in your spare time.
Anyone can make a website but if no one sees it you’ve wasted your time.
If you run into a problem working as your own boss you need to do an exercise
like DDP Yoga or go for a jog or walk. This is what the pros working it out through
physical activity.
A free course can be found at “Google Digital Garage” (Digital Marketing).
Facebook Blueprint is a free source for social media advertising. You can take
tests and get certified.
Search Engine Optimization(SEO) is the most difficult marketing skill and takes
years to gain traction. Most companies outsource, but you should learn the
basics which I will cover. The key with SEO is having authority websites have a
link to your website. This is called a backlink and is the currency of the Internet.
Online Digital Marketing Classes | Start Learning for Free | Skillshare
Here are the different areas for Digital Marketing:
1.SEO(Search Engine Optimization)(Google Analytics, Google Search Console)
2.SEM(Search Engine Marketing) Google Adwords
3.Social Media(Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, YouTube, Google +, Twitter)
4.Facebook Ads(Forbes 250,000 Followers article on Facebook”
5.Email opt in list(Freebie aWeber)
Live long and Prosper
If you want learn try sleeping in a bad hotel for a month

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